Review: RED Marketing

Image of book cover on the beach

RED is a marketing guide by Greg Creed and Ken Muench

One of my reads over the summer break (alongside Love Stories by Trent Dalton - which was absolutely amazing!!) was RED Marketing, a guide prepared by Greg Creed and Ken Muench.

RED is an acronym Greg and Ken have coined that stands for: relevance, ease and distinctiveness.

With a wealth of experience and incredible insights, this made for a fascinating read. Without giving too much away, a few key takeaways include:

1. Cultural relevance drives sales, not an emotional connection
2. Ease: Brands that are easy to access and buy ultimately win
3. Distinctiveness: Unique, ownable and consistent; brands that are consistent beat brands that prioritise change
4. Attribute or need > segmentation
5. Purpose needs to be distinctive to effective

With simple frameworks and engaging stories, I recommend checking out this book if you’re keen to brush up on your marketing skills.


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Recipe: Chocolate brownies