Recommendation: How I manage my eczema

Glow powder with a glass of water and a bowl of berries on a table

Glow powder from The Beauty Chef has been part of my morning routine for 10 years.

When I was a child, I was prone to eczema. It was linked to certain triggers, like grass seed and hessian bags (that's right, sack races were not my friend!)

But I seemed to grow out of it, and eczema wasn't an issue in my life for years. Then, when I started Year 12, I began experiencing flare-ups on my eyelids. This continued throughout uni, and my experience with eczema extended to my hands (so itchy and so painful!)

In my final year of university, I felt very stressed and anxious. I found the uncertainty about what was next and how to kick-start my career daunting and overwhelming. I didn't realise the stress's impact on my body until I woke up one morning with my face covered in eczema. I still remember going to the gym and being so embarrassed by how red and irritated my skin was.

In the end, I decided to go see a dermatologist. He conducted a skin contact test on my back, applying samples of various elements and potential triggers. Unfortunately, the results didn't give me the information I needed - only that I was allergic to tin, an element often found in cheap jewellery.

Ultimately, I believe the eczema trigger for me during this time was stress. Research shows that eczema is a chronic condition. I will have to continuously manage it, and a better understanding of potential triggers can help.

For general eczema management, a combination of stress management, regular exercise and being careful with my skincare and makeup have all helped immensely. In addition, I discovered Glow from The Beauty Chef about 10 years ago, which has been a staple of my morning routine ever since. I enjoy a teaspoon of Glow powder mixed with room-temperature water daily with my breakfast. I sometimes use collagen from The Beauty Chef as well and mix the collagen in with the Glow powder.

I always wear cotton-lined washing-up gloves when using any detergents, whether washing up or cleaning. In addition, I always have a hand moisturiser on my bedside table, so I remember to apply it every night. I particularly like the Hand Balm from Dermal Therapy. I also have a steroid cream just in case of bad flare-ups.

Together, these strategies, routines and products have been a massive help in managing my eczema.


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